Home > fiction > The Fall (The Rift, Book 1), by Robert J Duperre

The Fall (The Rift, Book 1), by Robert J Duperre

March 29, 2012

[This book has no back cover copy]


The Fall suffers from some big problems. The first is a series of careless errors which litters its pages: not only did I find problems with apostrophe-use and grammar, there were a few instances of exposition which explained things which were actually wrong. For example, the information given about how one of the characters funded his academic research, and what that research was meant to achieve, is at odds with how academic research really works. Had the author spent just ten minutes checking his facts I’d have been able to find his story much more believable. What makes it worse is that the information provided in that chunk of exposition wasn’t at all necessary to the story and could easily have been cut.

The bigger problem, though, was the tone of the writing.

The narrative frequently lapses into a lecturing, disapproving tone which I found thoroughly off-putting. The implication is that ancient civilisations were good and modern ones are bad; and that ancient knowledge was insightful and inspiring while modern technology renders our civilisation crass and insensitive. This, coupled with a stereotypical, somewhat dismissive view of today’s South American culture gave the book an unsympathetic and judgemental edge which made me reluctant to read on.

If the writer could introduce more variety of tone, could learn to not present things in such a black and white way, and could manage to be more sympathetic to his characters, then this book would be significantly improved; and once he manages that a scrupulous copyedit would resolve the book’s other issues. Whether this would be enough to change this from an ordinary predictable read into an exciting and interesting one, I’m not so sure. I read eleven of this book’s three hundred and thirty nine pages.

  1. April 15, 2012 at 10:53 am

    I’m surprised there was no back cover copy. How can casual browsers tell what this book is about?

  2. John
    May 6, 2012 at 8:46 pm

    I was astonished that eleven pages read would suffice for a book review. It must have been very bad indeed!

  3. June 26, 2012 at 12:39 am

    I find it amusing that someone who doesn’t know how to use a colon thinks they can spot punctuation problems.

  4. Jane Smith
    June 29, 2012 at 7:17 am

    John wrote, “I was astonished that eleven pages read would suffice for a book review. It must have been very bad indeed!”

    John, you might like to read my How This Works page, which you’ll find here:

    How This Works

    It’s not always about how bad a book is; sometimes the problem lies with a lack of adequate revision. Not always, though.

    Oh Really write, “I find it amusing that someone who doesn’t know how to use a colon thinks they can spot punctuation problems.”

    I find it amusing that someone who leaves sneery comments on my blog hides behind a false name and a spammy website address to do it; and I see nothing wrong with my use of the colon in this piece. Have a nice day, Mr Really!

  5. June 28, 2013 at 9:02 am

    Have you ever tried to write a book? Probably not. You get outraged, but I don’t you have ever attempted to write something yourself..

  6. June 28, 2013 at 9:49 am

    He is right, you don’t use your semi colons the correct way! I see the same thing when I look at your writing. Not to be a troll, or anything of that assortment.

  7. Jane Smith
    June 29, 2013 at 10:20 am

    Taylor Butikofer :

    Have you ever tried to write a book? Probably not. You get outraged, but I don’t you have ever attempted to write something yourself..

    I’ve written a few, Mr Butikofer. I stopped counting after the first thirty or so were published, though, so I can’t give you an exact number.

    Taylor Butikofer :

    He is right, you don’t use your semi colons the correct way! I see the same thing when I look at your writing. Not to be a troll, or anything of that assortment.

    Thanks for your advice. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to stop by. And no, I didn’t think you were trolling at all. As if I would.


    You have a nice day now, Mr B.

  8. June 29, 2013 at 11:18 pm

    You too. Hope you have a nice day. It’s very hot outside. 🙂

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